Somos Acción

Somos Acción is a statewide 501c4 organization that advocates for civil rights, higher wages, better working conditions, and expanded job opportunities for workers and families in New Mexico. A sister organization of Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Somos Acción informs and mobilizes voters and families to build political power in our communities.

Somos Acción 2024 Legislative Wins :

  • State funding ($5 million) for New Mexico’s Adult Education Division to expand integrated education and skills-building programs for “disengaged and difficult to reach” adult workers.
  • HB 303 creating a $1 million 3-year government-sponsored pilot to provide cash stipends to low-income workers enrolled in adult education and integrated education workforce development programs.
  • State funding ($15 million) for a an early childhood education wage and career ladder for childcare workers and educators and zero copays for parents with kids in childcare who are at or below 400% federal poverty level.

    Click here for more information on workforce development investments in NM 2024 budget.

The Governor has until March 6th to sign the budget and HB 303.